
Steuernews International

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Moving to Austria: Which tax benefits may apply? - Steuernews International

For people previously resident abroad who can make a contribution to certain areas of society with ...

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Which cross-border tax arrangements have to be reported? - Steuernews International

Since July 1, 2020 the EU Mandatory Reporting Act (“EU-Meldepflichtgesetz”) provides for a ...

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How can taxpayers benefit from the Economic Strengthening Act? - Steuernews International

The Economic Strengthening Act (“Konjunkturstärkungsesetz 2020 - KonStG 2020”) is intended to ...

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What are the European Commission's upcoming plans for taxation? - Steuernews International

In July 2020, the European Commission adopted a new tax package aimed at ensuring economic recovery ...

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Moving to Austria: Which tax benefits may apply?

For people previously resident abroad who can make a contribution to certain areas of society with their knowledge and skills and whose relocation to Austria is therefore in the public interest, tax privileges are provided.

Which cross-border tax arrangements have to be reported?

Since July 1, 2020 the EU Mandatory Reporting Act (“EU-Meldepflichtgesetz”) provides for a reporting obligation for certain cross-border tax arrangements that are legal in themselves, but are nevertheless rated as "aggressive" due to their potentially tax-avoiding effect.

How can taxpayers benefit from the Economic Strengthening Act?

The Economic Strengthening Act (“Konjunkturstärkungsesetz 2020 - KonStG 2020”) is intended to provide tax relief measures in order to strengthen Austria as a business location.

What are the European Commission's upcoming plans for taxation?

In July 2020, the European Commission adopted a new tax package aimed at ensuring economic recovery and long-term growth for Europe.

Verwaltungsgerichtshof bestätigt flächenmäßige Beschränkung der Hauptwohnsitzbefreiung

Verwaltungsgerichtshof bestätigt flächenmäßige Beschränkung der Hauptwohnsitzbefreiung
Verwaltungsgerichtshof bestätigt flächenmäßige Beschränkung der Hauptwohnsitzbefreiung
Ist eine veräußerte Immobilie der Hauptwohnsitz des Verkäufers, entfällt die Immobilienertragsteuer. Die Einkommensteuerrichtlinien sehen eine flächenmäßige Beschränkung dieser Befreiung vor. Jetzt Steuernews-TV!

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